This training workshop is designed to provide the participants particularly the MS Biology students enrolled in Advanced Systematic Biology under Prof. Victoria N. Malaya, to experience in familiarity with the methods and the materials of identification of sea cucumber species. The first step in the identification of the species is to systematically study the external morphology of the sea cucumbers. After studying the external morphology of the species, the sea cucumber will be dissected to carefully identify the different internal organs. Observations and identifications of the different ossicles under the microscope of the dorsal, ventral and mouth part of the species will be done to make more definitive species identification.


      The 1st day of the training workshop was held at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Institute of Fisheries in Sto. Tomas La Union on July 9, 2016. Introduction to sea cucumbers was discussed by Ms. Dianne Peralta. She also presented the study on the species identification of sea cucumbers in La Union. After the seminar, we were able to identify the different external and internal morphological characteristics of Holothuria scabra. We were able also to observe under the microscope the different ossicles present in the mid-dorsal, mid-ventral and the tentacles on the mouth of the sea cucumber. The training workshop was very interesting! 

Here are some of the images of the training workshop, enjoy the gallery! 

"Our ID"

"Seminar on the Introduction of Sea Cucumbers and Presentation of the Different Sea Cucumber Species Found in La Union by Ms. Dianne Peralta"

"Presenting our Sea Cucumber Species Holothuria scabra"

"Holothuria scabra for Studying External Morphology"

"Dissection of Holothuria scabra for Studying Internal Organs"

"Preparation for the Observation of Ossicles Under the Microscope" 
"Using a clean and sharp scalpel, we cut a small slice form the mid-dorsal and mid-ventral side, and tentacles of the sea cucumber, separately put them in the biofilm, added bleach to each well, waited for 30 minutes then washed them 2 times with distilled water. We prepared a slide containing each of the well."

"Observations of Ossicles Under the Microscope"
"Ossicles are small, microscopic skeletal element, embedded in integument."

"Types of Ossicles found: A. Rossete; B. Tables; C. Rods; and D. Buttons"

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