Louella G. Artates
Christine P. Cabanting


This study determined the physical and chemical parameter of the Suso estuarine in Sta. Maria and identifies the fish and macro invertebrate species present. Three (3) stations/ sampling site have been chosen based on the presence of fish and macro invertebrate species, and there are as follows: Station I in Sabang, Station II in Loob, and Station III in Surong. The physico-chemical properties of each station were identified and as well as the collection of the different fish and macro invertebrate species. Data gathering were done every Saturday, from May – September 2013.
This study made use of the descriptive research design.

The ideal temperature for estuarine environment ranges from 30°C – 35°C. The three stations met the ideal temperature. Station I  (Sabang) and Station II (Loob), the average temperature was 31.4°C,and for Station III (Surong) was 31.5°C. In terms of substrate, Station I (Sabang) has silty substrate while Station II (Loob) and Station III (Surong) have a muddy substrate. In terms of the average light penetration, Station I (Sabang) has 86.8 cm, Station II (Loob) 73.8 cm and Station III (Surong) has 64.5 cm. in terms of average depth, the deepest recorded was in Station I (Sabang) which has 269.5 cm depth, Station II (Loob) and Station III (Surong) have the same average depth which was 178.6 cm. In terms of average pH, the ideal pH for estuarine ranges from 7.0 – 9.0 which is in the alkaline range. The three stations met this pH requirement. For Station I (Sabang), the pH was 7.3, Station II (Loob), 7.6 and in Station III (Surong), 7.4).
The diversity indices (DI) of the three (3) stations on the Suso Estuarine were all considered to have thorough analysis. The computed F value is 7.100E+30. This led there searchers to reject the null hypothesis, which states that there is no significant difference in the diversity indices between and among the stations of the Suso Estuarine.
There are fifteen (15) fish species that belongs to Class Osteichthyes, three (3) crustaceans that belong to Class Malacostraca and seven (7) species that belongs to SpeciesX. In terms of Order, there are eleven (11) fish species that belongs to Order Perciformes, two (2) fish species that belongs to Order Tetraodontiformes, two (2) crustaceans that belong to Order Decapoda, one (1) fish species that belong to Order Clupeiformes, one (1) fish species that belongs to Order Beloniformes, and one (1) fish species that belongs to Order Mysida. In terms of Family of fish species, one (1) species belongs to Family Scatofigidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Haemulidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Engraulidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Apogonidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Gobiidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Leignonathidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Zenarchopteridae, one (1) species belongs to Family Sillaginidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Terapontidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Siganidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Lutjanidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Tetraciidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Cichalidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Balistidae, one (1) species belongs to Family Serranidae. In macro invertebrate species, two (2) species belong to Family Grapsidae , one (1) species belongs to Family Mysidae.
Station II Loob, has the highest DI value of 2.745, followed by Station III Surong, with 2.648 and Station I got the lowest DI value of 2.594. All the diversity indices of the three stations fall at the range 0-8 scale which was described as low diversity.
The ANOVA results showed that there was a significant difference in the diversity indices among and between the different stations of the Suso Estuarine. This implies that the diversity and distribution of fish and macro invertebrates in three stations is not the same.  All the stations are significantly different in their diversity indices as manifested. These differences could be explained by the characteristics of each station. The physico-chemical parameters are the factors that make the difference in each station such as water temperature, pH particularly the depth and salinity level. In Station I, It is the deepest portion of the estuarine among the three stations. In Station I, it is also the most saline portion of the estuarine considering the fact that it is the nearest in the ocean. What makes it different also is the diversity where Station II is the most diverse.
Based from the results of the study, the researchers concluded that the three stations met the ideal requirements for the different physico-chemical parameters, there are nineteen (19) fish species and six (6) macro invertebrate species present in Suso estuarine, there is a low diversity of fish and macro invertebrate species along the Suso estuarine, the fish and macro invertebrates of the Suso estuarine are different and there is a significant difference between and among the three (3) stations.

Based from the conclusions drawn, the researchers recommended that other environmental parameters should be considered to determine their effects on the diversity of fish and macro invertebrate species in Suso estuarine, other estuarine should be studied, the result of the study should be disseminated as a baseline policy of information so people will be aware and similar studies should be conducted to cover the months not considered in the study to have a more comprehensive result.

Here are some of the species gathered:


Common name: Angrat
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Perciformes
      Family: Lutjanidae
        Scientific name: Lutjanus gibbus

Common name: Kapiged
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Perciformes
      Family: Scatofagidae
        Scientific name: Scatophagus argus

Common name: Bagsang
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Perciformes
      Family: Apogonidae
        Scientific name: Apogon maculates

Common name: Sishaw
Scientific name: Species X

Common name: Munamon
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Clupeiformes
      Family: Engraulidae
        Scientific name: Encrasicholina heteroloba

Common name:Dila-dila
Scientific name: Species X

Common name: Binalo
Scientific name: Species X

Common name: Dariway
  Class: Malacostraca
   Order: Decapoda
    Family: Grapsidae
     Scientific name: Varuna fluminea

Common name: Ampo
  Class: Actinoptpterygii
   Order: Perciformes
     Family: Serranidae
       Scientific name: Ephinepheles fuscoguttatus

Common name: Ipusan
Scientific name: Species X

Common name: Pasayan
  Class: Malacostraca
   Order: Mysida
    Family: Mysidae
     Scientific name: Hemimysis anomala

Common name: Baraongan
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Perciformes
      Family: Terapontidae
        Scientific name: Terapon jarbua

Common name: Tarukoy
Scientific name: Species X


Common name: Papakol
  Class: Actinoptpterygii
    Order: Tetraodontiformes
      Family: Balistidae
        Scientific name: Sufflamen fraenatu

Common name: Malaga
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Perciformes
      Family: Siganidae
        Scientific name: Siganus vermiculatus

Common name: Butete
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Tetraodontiformes
      Family: Tetraciidae
        Scientific name: Tetraodon lineatus

Common name: Sapsap
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Perciformes
      Family: Leiognathidae
        Scientific name: Leiognathus equulus

Common name: Ikuran
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Perciformes
     Family: Haemulidae
      Scientific name: Pomadasys kaakan

Common name: Osoos
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Sillaginidae
Scientific name: Sillag sihama

Common name: Siriw
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Beloniformes
      Family: Zenarchopteridae
        Scientific name: Zenarchopterus dispar

Common name: Kappi
  Class:  Crustacea
   Family: Grapsidae
    Scientific name: Varuna litterata

Common name:  Tilapia
  Class: Actinopterygii
    Order: Perciformes
      Family: Cichlidae
        Scientific name: Tilapia zillii

Common name: Bunog/ Pattuol
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Gobiidae
Scientific name: Rhinogobiops nicholsi

Common name: Marilag
Scientific name: Species X

1 comment:

  1. Informative, good reference, many thanks. Will appreciate missing nomenclature completed, specimen photos improved.
