Medicinal plants are an important part of our natural wealth. They serve as important therapeutic agents as well as valuable raw materials for manufacturing numerous traditional and modern medicines.A documentation of these indigenous medicinal plants in Banayoyo will provide baseline information for the medicinal utilization of these resources for the greatest benefit of mankind particularly in curing ailments and preventing the occurrence of such ailments. Likewise, this will serve as a basis for protection and conservation of natural resources especially of these indigenous medicinal plants.


Persea Americana Mill

Common Name: Abukado
Family name: Lauraceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Rheumatism
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash. Simmer one cup chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for five minutes.
Dosage: Drink decoction every time symptoms appear.


Cassia alata L.

Common Name: Andadasi
Family name: Leguminosae
Plant Type: Shrub
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Skin itchiness
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash, crush leaves and extract the juice.
Dosage: Apply the extract on the affected area until itchiness is relieved.


Anona reticulata Linn

Common Name: Anonas
Family name: Annonaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Fever
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash, dry and put leaves on the forehead.


Anona squamosa L. 

Common Name: Atis
Family name: Annonaceae
Plant Type: Tree/shrub
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Fever
Mode of preparation and application:
Boil three (3) cups of chopped fresh leaves in one (1) gallon of water for fifteen (15) minutes. Srain and use the decoction for cold or hot sponge bath.


Bixa orellana Linn

Common Name: Atseuete
Family name: Bixaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Burns
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash. Simmer ten leaves in five glasses of water. Let it cool.
Dosage: Soak the burn area for ten minutes once a day.


Ficus stipulosa Miq. Linn

Common Name: Balete
Family name: Moraceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Bark
Diseases/Ailments cured: Dermatitis
Mode of preparation and application:
Boil one cup of chopped bark in ½ gallon of water for ten (10) minutes.
Dosage: Wash area with this decoction, two (2) times a day.


Lagerstroemia speciose (L.) Rers

Common Name: Banaba
Family name: Lythraceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Kidney stone
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash. Simmer ten (10) leaves in ten (10) glasses of water.
Dosage: Drink 2 glasses of the decoction a day.


Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf.

Common Name:  Baraniw
Family name: Graminaceae
Plant Type: Grass
Plant part/s used: Leaves/Roots
Diseases/Ailments cured: Urinary Tract Infection
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash. Simmer one (1) cup chopped leaves in two (2) glasses of water for fifteen (15) minutes.
Dosage: Drink decoction one (1) glass every day.


Jatropa gossipi folia L.

Common Name:  Barinatnat/Tawwa-tawwa
Family name: Euphorbiaceae
Plant Type: Shrub
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Snake and dog bite
Mode of preparation and application:
Pound ten (10) leaves.
Dosage: Apply directly on the wound after it has been bled.


Allium sativum Linn.

Common Name: Bawang
Family name: Amaryllidaceae
Plant Type: Bulbous
Plant part/s used: Cloves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Sore throat
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash one (1) piece and peel.
Dosage: keep in mouth for some time, chewing it slow. Swallow juice.

Diseases/Ailments cured: Skin itchiness
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash one (1) clove, peel and crush. Apply directly on affected area.


Psidium guajava L.

Common Name: Bayabas
Family name: Myrtaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Young leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Wound
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash and pound young leaves and apply directly on wound

Diseases/Ailments cured: Diarrhea              
Mode of preparation and application:
Boil ten (10) chopped leaves in two (2) glasses of water for fifteen (15) minutes.
Adults: One (1) cup, three (3) times a day and after every loose bowel movement
Children: (Babies) 1 tablespoon, three (3) times a day and after every loose bowel movement
(2-6 years old) one-fourth (¼ ) , three (3) times a day and after every loose bowel movement
(7-12 years old) one-half  (½) cup, three (3) times a day and after every loose bowel movement


Arecha catechu L.

Common Name: Bua
Family name: Palmoe/ Aecacea
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Fruit
Diseases/Ailments cured: Stomachache
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash and chew fruit. Swallow the extract.


Abrus precatorius L.

Common Name: Bugbugay-yong
Family name: Fabaceace/ Leguminosae
Plant Type: Vine
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Cough
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash. Boil one (1) cup of chopped fresh leaves in three (3) glasses of water.
Dosage: Drink decoction three (3) times a day after meal.


Vitex negundo L.

Common Name: Dangla
Family name: Verbenaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Cough
Mode of preparation and application:
Simmer four (4) tablespoon of chopped dried leaves or six (6) tablespoon of fresh leaves in two (2) glasses of water for fifteen (15) minutes.
Dosage: Drink one-half (½) cup the decoction, three (3) times a day.


Plecthranthus scutellarioides (coleus)

Common Name: Dara-dara
Family name: Lamiaceae
Plant Type: Shrub
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Dysmenorrhea
Mode of preparation and application:
Boil five (5) leaves in two (2) cups of water.
Dosage: Drink decoction during menstruation.


Scoparia dulais L.

Common Name: Erbaka
Family name: Schophulariaceae
Plant Type: Shrub
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Dysmenorrhea 
Mode of preparation and application:
Boil five (5) leaves in two (2) cups of water.
Dosage: Drink decoction during menstruation.


Piper betle L.

Common Name: Gawwed
Family name: Piperaceae
Plant Type: Vine
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Headache
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash. Place one (1) leaf on the forehead. Change the leaf as per headache.


Hibiscus rosasineusis Linn.

Common Name: Gumamela
Family name: Malvaceae
Plant Type: Tree/ shrub
Plant part/s used: Leaves/ flowers
Diseases/Ailments cured: Boils
Mode of preparation and application:
Chop five (5) leaves and two (2) flowers
Dosage: Apply directly on boils as poultice, two (2) times a day.


Annona muricata L.

Common Name: Guyabano
Family name: Annonaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Urinary tract infection
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash and simmer one (1) cup of chopped leaves for fifteen (15) minutes.
Dosage: Drink one (1) glass of the decoction every after meal until symptom disappear.


Leucaena glauca L.

Common Name: Ipil-ipil
Family name: Fabaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Seeds
Diseases/Ailments cured: Intestinal worm infestation (Ascaris and Trichina)
Mode of preparation and application:
For children: Eat the seeds of five (5) fresh pads raw. Repeat after one (1) week, if there are no results.
For children and adults: Cook one (1) cup of dried seeds in frying pan with oil. Do not burn seeds. Pulverize. Mix with milk or water.
Dosage: Adults: One (1) teaspoon, 2 hours after supper.
Children: (7-9 years old) one-fourth (¼ ) teaspoon, two (2) hours after supper.
          (10-12 years old) One-half (½), two (2) hours after supper.
Note:  Dosage may be repeated after one (1) week if needed.


Citrus microcarpa Bunge

Common Name: Kalamansi
Family name: Rutaceae
Plant Type: Tree/Shrub
Plant part/s used: Fruit
Diseases/Ailments cured: Cough
Mode of preparation and application:
Extract juice from the fruits.
Dosage: Drink two (2) tablespoon of fruit juice every after meal.


Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth.

Common Name: Kamantiris
Family name: Fabaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Fruit
Diseases/Ailments cured: Diabetes
Mode of preparation and application:
Eat fruit after every meal.


Averrhoa balimbi

Common Name: Kamias
Family name: Fabaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Fruit
Diseases/Ailments cured: Mumps
Mode of preparation and application:
Chop and mash fruits.
Dosage: Apply as poultice on the swollen glands for thirty (30) minutes, three (3) times a day.
Plant part/s used: Leaves

Diseases/Ailments cured: Dengue/Fever
Mode of preparation and application:
Boil three (3) cups of chopped fresh leaves in one (1) gallon of water for fifteen (15) minutes. Srain and use the decoction for cold or hot sponge bath.


Ipomea aquatic Toursk

Common Name: Kangkong
Family name: Convolvulaceae
Plant Type: Semi-aquatic plant
Plant part/s used: Leaves and trunks
Diseases/Ailments cured: Constipation
Mode of preparation and application:
Eat two (2) cups of boiled leaves with meals. This may be as a part of the diet.


Chrysophyllum cainito L.

Common Name: Kaymito
Family name: Sapotaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Diarrhea
Mode of preparation and application:
Boil ten (10) chopped leaves in two (2) glasses of water for fifteen (15) minutes.
Adults: One (1) cup, three (3) times a day and after every loose bowel movement
Children: (Babies) 1 tablespoon, three (3) times a day and after every loose bowel movement
(2-6 years old) one-fourth (¼ ) , three (3) times a day and after every loose bowel movement
(7-12 years old) one-half  (½) cup, three (3) times a day and after every loose bowel movement.


Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Lam

Common Name: Kuribetbet
Family name: Apocymaceae
Plant Type: Shrub
Plant part/s used: Leaves/trunk sap
Diseases/Ailments cured: Toothache/wound
Mode of preparation and application:
Chop trunk or leave and extract the sap. Drop a few drops directly on the wound or tooth cavity.


Zingiber officinale Roscoe

Common Name: Laya
Family name: Zingiberacea
Plant Type:
Plant part/s used: Rhizome
Diseases/Ailments cured: Sore throat
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash and peel small piece of the rhizome.
Chew slowly for a few minutes. Swallow the juice or keep a small pice in the mouth. Chewing it little by little.


Syzygium cumini (L.)

Common Name: Longboy
Family name: Myrtaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Fruit
Diseases/Ailments cured: Diabetes
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash and peel the fruit and eat every after meal.

Diseases/Ailments cured: Stomach ache
Mode of preparation and application:
Simmer a piece of chopped bark in two (2) glasses of water in fifteen (15) minutes.
Dosage: Drink one (1) glass of the decoction every after meal.


Chrysanthemum indicum L.

Common Name: Mansanilya
Family name: Asteraceae/ Compositae
Plant Type: Herb
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Stomach ache
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash and simmer one (1) cup of chopped leaves to two (2) glasses of water. Cool and drink decoction.


Moringa oleifera Lam.

Common Name: Malunggay
Family name: Morigaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Seed
Diseases/Ailments cured: High blood pressure
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash and simmer the seeds of two (2) fresh pads to three (3) glasses of water.
Dosage: Drink decoction if symptom appears.


Plectranthus amboinicus

Common Name: Oregano
Family name: Lamiaceae
Plant Type: Herb
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Cough
Mode of preparation and application:
Boil one (1) cup of chopped fresh leaves to two (2) glasses of water for fifteen (15) minutes.
Dosage: Adults: One-half (½), three (3) times a day.
Children: (Babies) One (1) teaspoon, three (3) times a day.
(2-6 years old) two (2) tablespoons, three (3) times a day.
 (7-12 years old) one-fourth (¼) cup, three (3) times a day.


Pandamus amaryllifolius

Common Name: Pandan
Family name: Pandanaceae
Plant Type: Herb
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured/Medical importance: Improves flow of urination
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash and simmer one (1) cup chopped leaves to three (3) cups of water.
Drink one (1) cup of the decoction every day.


Carica papaya

Common Name: Papaya
Family name: Caricaceae
Plant Type: Tree-like
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Fever
Mode of preparation and application:
Boil two (2) cups of chopped leaves in one-half (½) gallon of water for ten (10) minutes. Cool for two (2) hours.  
Dosage: Use this in making a cold compress


Musa acuminate Colla

Common Name: Saba
Family name: Musaceae
Plant Type: Evergreen perennial
Plant part/s used: Young leaves sap
Diseases/Ailments cured: Bleeding wound
Mode of preparation and application:
Pound young leaves until soft and juicy.
Dosage: Drop the juice over the wound. Apply with pressure the pounded leaves over the wound. Bandage snugly but not too tight.


Sandoricum koetjape (Burm.f.) Merr.

Common Name: Santol
Family name: Meliaceae
Plant Type: Tree
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Stomach ache 
Mode of preparation and application:
Wash. Simmer one (1) cup of chopped leaves to one-half (½) gallons of water for fifteen (15) minutes. Strain and cool. Drink decoction.


Blumea balsamifera (L.)

Common Name: Subusob/ Sambong
Family name: Asteraceae/ Compositae
Plant Type: Shrub
Plant part/s used: Leaves
Diseases/Ailments cured: Boils
Mode of preparation and application:
Chop five (5) leaves.
Dosage: Apply directly as poultice on boils, two (2) times a day.


  1. This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information. Eco friendly products

  2. This plant's is very helpfull without buying expensive medicine thanks a lot.😙😙😙
